I want so badly to talk about the clothes, but this episode is not about the clothes. That's for next week. This is week is all about the reality. Last season, this episode was a big old sympathy fest, everyone revealing their traumatic past. I left this one feeling pretty much the exact same way about everyone and everything. It was dull, but not without its perks.
Michael is still adorable, if a bit naive. You know, with the bedazzling and such. Ah, but this is not about clothes! His family's adorable, too.
Laura is still as poised and pregnant as ever. We finally got to meet her five kids in their beautiful home in New York. In my viewing buddy's elegant words, "She's gotta be fucking loaded!" Then there's, well, this:
I know y'all were thinking it with me: "What?" Not to insult the guy, but, you're Mr. Laura Bennett. We were expecting something a little more fabulously glamorous.
Uli is still... on a beach?
But Tim removed his shoes and jacket! This is a noteworthy day.
Jeffrey is still a tough guy with a heart of gold. Or maybe platinum, or something.
I'm a sucker for babies in general, but seriously, that is one crazy cute baby. He looks so much like his daddy, I think I'm going to get cavities. From the sweetness, you understand.
Project Runway itself is still nuts about product placement!
I totally believe this is really Tim Gunn's car and filming it was purely to benefit the storytelling.
Drama is still stupid. Ok, listen. I think the accusations are bull, I think it's real fishy that there was no big twist except for this drama, I think I'm pissed that Jeffrey is being reprimanded for being overly prepared, I think I like Uli way more than I already did for trying to defend Jeffrey's collection, I think it was creepy that they were all poking at it while he was out of the room, I think Michael is way too impressionable, I think Laura's imitation of Jeffrey sounded Australian. There is one thing, however, that I know.
I know that this is the single funniest thing that's been featured on the show in a while.
My viewing buddy and I laughed way longer than necessary.
I've been sick of the drama for weeks, but I'll never get tired of the people involved. Good luck to the final four, I'll miss you guys.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Episode 13: Smooth Segue!
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7:21 PM
Labels: project runway
Friday, October 06, 2006
Men Should Act Like Robots.
Hello, my five loyal readers. I only caught the second half of Project Runway's reunion special, and that's never, ever the good part, so I'll hold off writing about reality TV for another week. Since I got to college, TV makes me feel dirty.
Speaking of. I was working in the women's center the other day, and after finishing up the newsletter and bringing our Love Your Body Day posters to the copy center, I browsed a couple of feminist blogs and sites. Feministing brought me to this site for some stupid beer. Before you can view their commercials, they will ask you if you're "old enough to play with the big boys". Listen, buddy, I go to college. Girls drink beer, too. This also implies that only people of legal drinking age can look at alcohol commercials, which is pretty hilarious. Any kid with access to a TV already knows that beer is for boys, hard drinks that taste like fruit are for girls and alcohol makes everyone more fun and sexy.
Does anyone remember the very first commercial for Bratz? Their very first tagline (which I'm left to assume was quicky pulled off the air- but how the did it get on in the first place?) was said by two pretty young ladies in unison: "Don't Theorize, Accesorize!" I know that I for one, after overcoming the sheer disbelief, began freaking. the. fuck. out. How did NOBODY in the room when that one was thrown out go "you know, that could be construed as sexist"? Maybe there were no women in the room. Maybe they should make a Bratz playset that comes with a glass ceiling. After all, I've been told Bratz are all about girl power. Girl power through fashion, girl power through diamonds, girl power through buying more shit. Girl power in that Barbie was getting a little too frumpy, what with changing her classic features so she almost looked kind of like a real human being, so Bratz kicked it UP and cornered the market for peddling gender roles and unrealistic standards to extremely young girls.
Anyway, my point being, these beer commercials are so blatantly destructive on their own, and yet, like Bratz's original tagline, they felt the need to point out their own idiocy. For the crimes of swatting a bee, enjoying a trampoline and wiping the grease off one's pizza, the offenders are put to death by a giant can of beer. There seems to be a backlash from the days of the metrosexual (which I've heard more often than ever since I got to school- people still use this word seriously? Why do we need to throw a ridiculous label on a hetero man with a couple of "feminine" qualities?). Ads have always been pretty sexist, but now more than ever I'm noticing attacks on men- you don't like red meat, alcohol and fast cars? You're not a man, prepare to be ostracized.
As if the kick in the balls wasn't enough, then comes the punch in the face, a deep voice making no allusions about the message: "Men Should Act Like Men." So, I had a couple of ideas to expand their already large library of things un-manly. (They are not family friendly, apologies to my main linker BPR.)
Posted by
3:02 PM
Labels: advertising, feminism
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Episode Eleven: Sexiness, Sensual AND Sultry? Wow, those aren't even all the same part of speech!
Ok, I know I've been worthless in terms of updating lately. I have MSPaint images stored up from the last three episodes, but it's all pretty unfinished and chaotic, and the fact that I'm at college now makes for a hard time just watching the show, nevermind watching the show twice and having the time to make images and witty jokes about it.
I need to express my love for the last episode, though. Screw all y'all that may say it's a copout or that so-and-so should've been out. I would've cried, if not for the fact I was squished on a dorm bed with three other girls half-watching and half-talking about our suitemates.
Literally, look, these two are touching! It's just that overwhelming.
From the start, I thought Uli was going to be out (and so did about 50% of the audience, apparently), but she made a smart move by picking Nazri (as bad as I felt for Lindsay). There are some outfits that would've been disasters if they were put on anyone else but her. Cough, Michael. I think if I do a recap of the finale, I'll just consistenly claim that Nazri wins. Come on. She always does. Anyway, Uli's dress turned out beautiful, bless her German little heart.
Oh, I'm so excited that all four collections are being judged. Why the heck not? They all went down the runway anyway.
Other highlights include my favorite once again proving himself to be my favorite:
Plus, he had a sweet little video chat with his baby boy. What a big softie.
Things that were not-so-happy this episode:
I wanted to sympathize with the fact that the designers had to cut their work time by six hours, but I was way more aghast that they made the models walk around New York in four-inch heels.
This was also nearly weep-worthy:
"Forget it. It was a stupid idea."
Come on, elevator door. DON'T YOU KNOW SHE'S PREGNANT?
I didn't even know there were elevator doors that weren't sensitive to human actions. Bizarre! Poor Laura.
Oh, you know what might've been the best thing about this episode?
NO VINCENT AND/OR ANGELA. I was so pissed about that.
Y'know, since I already made them, I'll go ahead and leave you with the MSPaint images of Vincent and Kayne upon their respective departures.
I gave him a little much-needed color, and I turned his creepy, bad material for that challenge into something it's more suited for.
I do miss Kayne, a.k.a. our sunshine, a.k.a. WHY are they always filming you shirtless?
Look for an update on the reunion! It may or may not actually be here. Suckers!
Posted by
7:02 PM
Labels: project runway
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Episode Eight: Look, Tim Gunn, I Can Dress Myself!
I'm working more images into this post. Guess what happens to the quality!
We said goodbye to Angela this week, shipping her right back to America before she'd even gotten settled. Yes, her tears are rosette-shaped.
I'm not particularly happy or sad, because we all knew this was going to happen at some point. We're down to six, and there just ain't room for Holly Hobby.
I took the liberty of looking up who Holly Hobby is, and Tim Gunn once again scores points for accuracy.
So, the episode kicked off with drama. Drama, drama, drama. More Jeff, more Angela, more overreacting, more Laura making spiky comments... lame. Even the models were talking behind each other's backs.
Just give me the clothes, please. At least the runway delivered. I love, LOVE the idea of the designers dressing themselves- it's a twist, but you still get a solid idea of their style.
Except for Vincent. He made a plain black top with plain black bottoms. They looked comfy, but Michael Kors once again urged "this is a DESIGN competition".
The judges were a little spicy this week, eh? I thought Uli's dress was beautiful, and appeared comfortable, even if it looked a bit like things she had done before. Have they met Laura?
I nor anyone should be surprised that the judges were inconsistent from one week to the next. Last week they honored a point of view, even if it was a disaster, and they did away with the most basic design. They had the same situation this week (there's even the fact that the basic design in both cases was out of the designer's comfort zone), and made the opposite decision. Heck, they didn't even put the boring design in the bottom two. As they say in France, le sigh.
Also on the Vincent front, he seemed a bit too anxious to take off his pants. Not helping the borderline-creepy image.
How cute was Michael teaching Kayne how to walk? I love Kayne, but he really does need someone around to help him tone down his outrageous fabulousness. Oh, how glad I am that he's still around. He's like ma sunshine.
Note to Michael Knight: get away from white! I'd love to see you at Fashion Week, but not if every single outfit is going to be white or gold. I was not down with Michael's pants. I believe they were touched by his noodley appendage.
Of course, there was a twist Part II. Cut to Angela being shocked, over and OVER again.
You're not being judged yet.
You're going on a trip.
On a plane.
In an HOUR!
The flight was to Paris, as many people had already predicted. Michael had no idea they had a Parons in Paris, but an internet full of fans certainly did. I pretty much squealed when Tim Gunn boarded the plane- of course he was going with them, but it's so cute when he gets all father-figure. Jeffrey expressed that rare sentimentality that makes him endearing to me- "I don't know what I'll do after this if I can't have Tim Gunn popping up in my life."
Oh, and bravo for Jeffrey finally winning something! He's been validated, and I'm now totally ok if he doesn't make the final three. I'm also OK if he does. There's a lot of talent in the room- I'd be interested in seeing most of their collections.
Eeeexcept Vincent. I hate to keep bringing him up, but you know how in season one, they all started looking at Robert and saying "how is he still here"? I predict this happening with Vincent very soon.
Note to Bravo: during the shots of Paris, I definitely heard at least one score from Amelie. I love Amelie, and I love Project Runway, but in very different ways- please don't mix them.
Posted by
11:30 AM
Labels: project runway
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Episode Seven: The First One I've Recapped.
The time of darkness has ended. Camp is over, and I have returned to provide yet another snarky recap to the masses. I didn't think there were enough, you know. Sorry if I skip around and leave out details- I'm not quite back in the rhythm yet.
You may or may not know that I used to gank all of my screencaps from the official site. This season, however, they're displayed in flash, and it's a pain to hit print screen, paste them into Microsoft Paint and cut out the rest of the page. So, my brilliant time-saving trick is meticulously recreating desired scenes with Microsoft Paint.
Just kidding, they're not meticulous at all!
We said goodbye to Robert this week. The show is now 10% less fabulous. I'm ok with this elimination, because while he can make a fine garment, he's yet to make a fine, interesting garment. Except of course when he was paired with Kayne, who is perhaps too interesting.
So, this challenge demanded the designers design for the moms and sisters of their competitors, which is a great idea in theory, but fell short for me in execution (I'm STILL waiting for the maternity wear challenge, Bravo). The body types were greatly varied, therefore the challenge obviously skewed. Did it bother anyone else that the designer for one of the tallest, slimmest mothers won; while the arguably shortest and stoutest sister's designer was aufed?
Laura and Vincent were shown talking about sucking it up and making it work with plus-sized models- but they were of the lucky few that didn't have plus-sized models and therefore didn't have to move out of their comfort zone. Lame.
(Important tidbit of this episode that I couldn't fit anywhere else: Laura is pregnant- for the sixth time- and accidently tells her mom about it over brunch. Hilarious, right?)
It did not sit well with me that Vincent, even with Uli's beautiful mother, turned out his signature strange simplicity. But for whatever reason, the judges went nuts for it. I'm pretty psyched that Tim Gunn agrees with my assessment, down to the damn back of the dress.
What is that! Mr. Gunn, whom I am exponentially growing more fond of, also agrees that this should have been Uli's victory. I can't MSPaint it properly, but believe me, it moved so nicely. She used an age-appropriate but still stylish print, and made the personality of her plus-sized model (Kayne's mother) stand out.
I'm not saying Uli's my favorite, but I'd be happy to see her go to the final three. I'm also not trying to hate on Vincent, he's not villianous or anything. I guess minimalism gets him off/turns him on, and Kimya Dawson is really fond of him. I just don't... prefer him. In honesty, I'd rather see what Allison would create for this challenge.
Strangely enough, I think my favorite at this point is Jeffrey, assholey-ness aside. It was Katherine (RISD girls have a special place in my heart), then Bonnie, then Bradley. The problem with loving the underdog is that they eventually lose, unless they're also good television. I was very fond of Michael's early creations, but I'm a fan of color and his palette is pretty bland. I definitely thought Jeffrey ought to be recognized over him in the recycling challenge. Plus, I'm a sucker for tough guys with a soft side- he shed a tear for Robert in the end.
I'm seeing serious Jeff-hate all over the internet and not really getting it. I get that he's a jerk and maybe a pig, but he's not "the most loathsome thing ever". I was irked when I saw a comment on another blog that said "he thinks he is the new santino... but the point is santino actually made clothes...not sewn-together masses of crap." Come on now, this is one hot mass of crap. The commenter is, however, totally right in the fact that it's not sewn together, it's glued.
The number one reason for Jeff-hate this week is the drama he got into with his model, Angela's mother. Who would've guessed that these two weren't compatible?
She didn't like the outfit, and he didn't have the time or expirience to design something different, so they argued about it and- I don't care. This fight, if you can call it that, was just a lot of overreaction on both sides.
His outfit was pretty awful- Angela's mama pulled out "matronly" against him on the runway. She's watched the show before. He wasn't out, though, because he's more likely than Robert to make something decent in the future. If only the judges took into account the designer's full body of work in every challenge, eh?
Posted by
8:08 PM
Labels: project runway
Saturday, July 22, 2006
The Wonders of Summer Camp, Part Two
1. Ticks. I mentioned bug bites, did I mention ticks? It's a "wet season" this year, which apparently means the ticks are on a mating rampage. I've had one on my arm, one on my stomach, one on my hip and one on my face. My face! All in one day. At least I only had to go to the camp nurse once, and I don't have any lyme disease symptoms. Raechel: 1, Ticks: 0.
2. Excrement. Urine, mostly, but a healthy bit of feces and everything else that comes out of humans. I imagine that the ignorant think being a camp counselor is a leisurely job that involves bug juice, playing soccer with kids and hanging out at the beach. The ignore the fact that bug juice turns into pee, playing in the sun leads to major sweat, and the waterfront is one big toilet. Especially with the younger kids, excrement is a major concern. If you don't nearly force them to shower, everything is rank from the sweat. If you don't get up to escort them to the bathroom at three a.m., they might pee the bed, and someone has to clean that up. Everyone pees in the lake, end of story. The bathrooms require constant vigilance- campers do not hesitate to poop on top of the poop on top of the poop clogging the toilet. Some friends of mine found that out the hard way this week. Puke has happened too. Intense puke. You do not even want to know.
3. Drama. Got worse. Hope it gets better.
4. Laser tag! This is an actrual good thing! The girls, with no campers this week, went out for laser tag on Wednesday, and I won! The red team camped the whole game. In a hallway. They were asking for it. I just kept running back and forth gunning down every single one of them. The adrenaline rush was nuts.
I still haven't had time to watch a full episode of Project Runway. I'm having withdrawal pains. I did catch the end of the second episode today, and I was a little sad to see Malan go, even if it was inevitable. He was growing on me.
How could you not love that face?
Posted by
9:33 PM
Sunday, July 16, 2006
The Wonders of Summer Camp, Part One
1. Bug bites. My dear sweet God, the bug bites. They don't stop. Every weekend I come home thinking; ah, relief, at least I won't find any new bug bites for a few days. Incorrect, I think the bites are independently multiplying. I've just now counted twenty-five bites, on my arms alone. My legs are a whole other mess.
2. Mysterious bruises. When did I mutilate the back of my leg? Was I carrying a sledgehammer improperly? Did I mention that in addition to being an Episcopalian camp, the older kids do work projects? It's not as bad as it sounds- in fact, it's not bad at all. It's satisfying. I've chopped down trees, painted cabins, built bridges, scrubbed toilets... which reminds me.
3. I plunged my first toilet. That one wasn't an official work project, I'm just that damn handy. I woke up at six, had to pee, found a clogged toilet and saw a plunger. The boy may be a chef, but I'm well-versed in dirty work. I have willingness, nay, enthusiasm to, say, crawl under a cabin in the mud and rake. It's character building. It's a life skill. It's marriage material.
4. Drama! I can't speak a word of it, because I have love for my co-workers and respect for their privacy, but know that it's some of the most intense I've ever seen. Well, that's not true at all, but it's early in the summer, and the precedent is being set pretty high. Oh, and there are four Camp America counselors this summer, so the drama is going international.
I'm catching Project Runway season 3 for the first time right now, so nothing on that yet. I won't pick favorites yet, but it's a very promising group. I have to be back at camp in two hours, so peace, love and mango juice.
Posted by
10:25 AM
Thursday, June 15, 2006
In Which I Have A Romantic Getaway Before Summer Camp Deters My Will To Live
Hey guys.
Sorry to neglect you- the boy whisked me away to Cape Cod this weekend. Romantic, eh? Ignoring the fact that our first two destinations fell through: Central Pennsylvania to make films with his best friend from Ithaca, or a weekend in Vermont doing puzzles with his aunts.
First, the boy took me on a tour of his childhood in Sandwich, where he spent his summers.
Dear people of Sandwich, I wish you the best on your insane caterpillar epidemic. I spent no more than five minutes on unpaved grounds in your town, and I found the fuzzy bastards crawling on my pants. Maybe if you change your name, they will go away. May I suggest "Hungrybird"? Love, Raechel.
Next we explored Hyannis, for two reasons: a giant candy store the boy remembered from his boyhood and the Cape Cod Potato Chip factory. Oh, it's love. If you're not familiar with the kettle-cooked snacks I'm talking about, please scour the earth until you find them, they are amazing. We didn't find the factoy, but hey, there's reason for another visit.
The jewel, of course, was Provincetown. People kept warning me I would "see strange sights"- they really shouldn't work my hopes up like that. I only saw two drag queens. Two! And I didn't get hit on by any girls, though I suppose walking hand in hand with a boy deters that. I did get advertised to by a lesbian club promoter. The food was delicious, the beaches were beautiful and the commonplaceness of rainbow flags made me feel like I'd reached some kind of homeland. I loved it, and I hope to get back there many times.
I know I should include some pictures, but I've been working on a new project today (inspired by one of my souvenirs, one of the many volumes of Dykes to Watch Out For) and I'm sick of resizing things. So, I'll leave you with two pictures I took in Provincetown. I call this game, Was That Intentional?
The Prince Albert Guest House. I heard other tourists giggling about it, so I think it might be intentional.
Seamen's Bank. According to the date on the building, they've been around for over a century, so this is probably not intentional. They are near the sea, after all. This one is just a lovely coincidence.
Oh, fine, one more picture. Because I love.
I love Provincetown, that is.
Posted by
8:57 PM
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
In Which I Have Time To Waste Talking About TV Again
Ok, it's about time I offer up something on Last Comic Standing. But, damn! At this pace I'm going to be at church camp before they get into the house- and then I'll be catching LCS and PR reruns on weekends, and heck knows I won't have the energy to recap them both. Considering my schedule the next few weeks (road trip, college orientation, camp training) this could very well be my first and last LCS update. How sad. Well, maybe not that sad, but mildly unpleasant.
At this point, we know the first five in the house. Let's start with my favorite, who I was going to label my underdog last week, but after tonight, he's obviously the front-runner:
Josh Blue. He got a standing ovation tonight and was dramatically presented with the last spot in the house. Not because he has cerebral palsy. Because he's fucking funny.
I can see Chris Porter going pretty far- he's genuinely funny, in a universal sort of way. His material is delivered in a semi-rant format that will make you laugh even if you don't agree with him. Though it's hard to disagree with him, because he pulls off being just barely political. It's a good strategy.
Joey Gay intrigued me, and I couldn't figure out why. Maybe it was his risky, loud, abrasive delivery. Maybe it was his interview comments, which I found way funnier than his actual material. Or maybe, just maybe, it was his scary fucking mouth:
Roz was going to make it in the house. Duh. Besides the fact that she's really funny, she talked about her history with drug addiction and her gratitude towards God in the very first episode. Strong black women with a heart of gold = the stuff of which reality TV is made. Any coincidence that she's the first thing that comes up on the video player on the official website? I like you, Roz, but the producers are going to milk you. Speaking of the producers...
I couldn't get a picture of her on the website, so I plucked this from her myspace. She was pretty funny; in that predictable, safe way that NBC seems to love. And in a move to increase their shaky credibility, they've cast a former contestant's girlfriend. Brilliant.
I was sad to see a few of the contestants go- namely Wild Willy, Niki Glazer, the guy who talked about a naked pope, the guy who did a lot of material on racism ("Don't give me that crap- that stuff's for Jews! Pay me in fireworks."), and the guy who reminded me of Mitch Hedburg with a business haircut. You know what I'm saying, Hollywood. If that's even your real name.
Of course, the first two would probably wear quickly depending on the crowd, and the fact that I can't recall the latter three's names is a sign of their fate on the show.
Next week, I have high hopes for Nikki Payne, Kristen Key and Malik. Of course, the only one I'm sure as Roz is moving forward to the house is that guy with the big head. He's not my favorite, but the judges are eating him up.
Who else thinks that there will be at least one challenge sponsored by Capital One?
Posted by
8:54 PM
Friday, June 02, 2006
Raison D'ĂȘtre
I'll start with a somewhat relevant story: On Monday morning, I freaked out and caused a scene at work for the first time.
Why? I gave one of the cooks, my acting manager, a big flyer from the Rhode Island Blood Center that a very nice volunteer had given to me to hang up, and after this manager and a younger cook scoffed at the thought of giving blood, insinuated it was some sort of conspiracy, and generally mocked the idea of doing a good deed for a person you don't know, he ripped up the flyer before my eyes.
There were customers. I screamed. I stole the pieces (with the panicky idea that I could fix it), ran to the bathroom and cried. I guess it was just a shock- maybe I've come to assume everyone has the compulsion towards kindness. I realize I'm just blessed to often be surronded by people who are so generous, loving and inspiring.
This is, of course, how I spent Sunday night.
Raison D'Etre (reason for being) was Sunday, and it was beautiful. The kids raised $500 for World Vision- and that's at the low admission price of three dollars.
(Psst, I'm pretty sure The Blue Rhoda is playing in this picture.)
I wish I got some shots of the art in progress- there were two big murals being painted outside, and ornate chalk arrows stretching down the nearby street to advertise. Oh well. Here's some of the art featured:
These two are by my friend Melissa. She's so talented, it might kill you.
These pieces are by Mike, who is possibly my current favorite person. What a kid. The top left one is by his girlfriend, Mindy.
This is the handiwork of Nick, who made an apperance, but was too manly or something to stick around all night. The furthest right is a self-portrait.
The portrait there is actually a self-portrait, by the leading lady of the evening, Katie! The trombone belongs to one of the boy's friends, but I don't know who painted it. Sure is swell, though.
These are mine! Huzzah. In case you are wondering, their titles from top to bottom are "Enlightenment", "Turn Your Pain Into Love" and "Yeah, We're Pretty Fucking Beautiful".
And now, a musical interlude:
This is an Izaiah, who possesses the very genes for musical genius. Not kidding. I'm pretty sure the members of his family were all born with a tiny guitar in their hands.
The painting behind him is also by Miss Katie. It's the Mona Lisa. The real one.
This is Kevin! He's one of the boy's nearest and dearests, and an all-around good kid. He was home for the weekend from Americorps*NCCC, and it's a bit depressing to tell that Ian was working at camp all weekend and didn't get to see him.
He was very good, and very modest about it. The word for his performance would be "endearing". I hope he keeps playing that thing.
This is Breathe Easy, who were quite good, and not as loud as they claimed they would be. I was in a band with the bassist, once. Guess he was too "committed to playing music" for a band that had two practices, one of which was dominated by playing video games. The lead guitar player, Tim, is pretty amazing. I don't know those other guys.
In this image, people are moving stuff around to accomodate the last band. I don't know who they were, actually, but they were crazy loud. It was pretty good, for a mosh band in an art gallery. The lady in yellow is top banana herself, Katie. I don't mean to discredit the other people who organized this, I just wasn't involved, so I don't know who did what. Not to mention that I don't have any pictures of them. Laura and Jen were the ladies who brought the whole idea forward, I believe, and worked with Katie as a team. There were plenty of others who helped out. From the outside, things seemed to go smoothly- so a pat on the back, an I love you, and a cup of freshly squeezed mango juice to everyone who made it happen.
Well. I'm happy I can say that this is the sort of thing I do with my life, and I'm practically in love with all of my friends. Did I mention Dave was there, after spending a week helping orphans in Haiti? That just struck me, when the cook ripped up that flyer. They were unrelated, really, but I just wanted to shout, "How can you be so heartless about such a thing, when people are out feeding Haitian orphans?"
Katie, Laura, Jen, Kevin, Dave; they're not crazed, or superhuman or anything. They're just nice people, seizing opportunities to do good.
I hope this hasn't been too shmaltzy for you. I'll talk about TV some other week. This week, I hope you're inspired by these friends of mine. I am, constantly.
Posted by
9:01 PM